Why Whole Foods Are Crucial For Good Health

Dr Juli Mazi ND
3 min readJul 19, 2022

Why whole foods essential for good health? They are unprocessed, natural foods. Even though some foods are not always healthier, some are processed to make them more easily digested, to keep them from going wrong, or to enhance their shelf life. Some of these processed meals contain chemical additives. Even though many whole foods contain essential nutrients, certain foods must be processed to make them safer or more attractive to consumers.

These naturally nutritious food sources are rich in phytochemicals essential to general health. Phytochemicals are plant substances that reduce inflammation, minimize DNA damage, and enhance the immune system. It is also recognized that phytochemicals lessen the risk of several chronic illnesses. For example, the phytochemicals in whole grains and fruits protect our cells, lowering the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition, these whole grains and fruits are abundant in fiber and essential antioxidants.

Although all fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, these nutrients are most effective when consumed in their complete form. Cutting an apple initiates oxidation, lowering the fruit’s nutritional value. In addition, heat and other refining agents contribute to the nutritional loss. Therefore, it is essential to consume entire meals whenever feasible. If you dislike fresh produce, you may always get pre-cut fruits and veggies from the market.

Whole grains also provide several health advantages. Whole grains include fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels and promotes waste elimination. Additionally, the fiber in whole grains may reduce the formation of blood clots, which can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. In addition to these advantages, whole grains contain phytochemicals that may protect against some forms of cancer. Whole grains have several health benefits, and you should consume them whenever feasible.

Consuming plant-based foods and avoiding processed foods will help you reach maximum health. The high glycemic index of processed foods indicates that they elevate blood sugar levels and stimulate hunger. The nutritional value of whole fruits is greater than that of their juices. A nutritious diet is essential for preserving overall health. The following food categories are rich in nutrients and low in calories. They are also excellent protein sources.

Whole foods are crucial for health for several reasons, including limiting the consumption of unhealthy fats such as trans fats. Instead of avoiding fats, you should prioritize the consumption of healthy fats produced from natural sources. Healthy fats include avocado oil, cold-pressed safflower oil, sesame oil, and olive oil. Attempting to consume more whole foods does not necessitate a radical shift in diet. Instead, it will be simpler for you to make incremental modifications.

A diet rich in whole foods is an excellent method to maintain good health. It may need more preparatory time, but the long-term advantages justify the effort. For example, a processed sandwich takes three minutes to microwave. It takes more time to make dinner with fresh ingredients. This will also aid in preventing overeating. In addition, this can prevent the development of chronic illnesses.

There are several advantages to complete plant-based diets. Avoiding oil-based goods, refined carbohydrates, and processed meals may reduce your chance of getting several diseases. In addition, this diet’s high fiber and vitamin content can aid in weight loss and LDL cholesterol reduction. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of plant-based foods, you may like to visit the websites listed below. Also, keep in mind that you are not alone. The advantages of consuming whole foods are well-known.

Real food is nature’s closest approximation. It includes more heart-health promoting antioxidants and minerals, like magnesium and healthy fats. Eating real food might also lessen your desire for sweet and sugary meals, commonly regarded as the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. As the global population increases, so does the need for food. Unfortunately, producing food for billions of people hurts the environment, increasing our demand for fuel and pesticides. Not to mention the amount of packaging we discard in landfills.



Dr Juli Mazi ND

Dr. Juli Mazi is a registered primary care physician and a Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) based in Napa, California.